Announcing Comment/Reaction Functionality!

Comment Functionality

I am excited to announce that I have added comment functionality to this blog! This means that you can now comment on posts, and I will be able to respond to them. This is a feature that I have been wanting to add for a while now, and I am glad that I finally got the chance to add it. I hope that this will help to make this blog more interactive, and that it make it more of a community.

How to Comment

To comment on a post, simply scroll down to the bottom of the post, and click on the text field that says “Start the discussion…” Then, type in your comment, and click on the “Comment” button. You will then be prompted to enter your name, email address, and a password to register for Disqus (the comment provider for this site). Once you have done that, simply repeat the steps to comment on a post. You may also sign in or up with a social media account like Facebook, Twitter, or Google for quicker (and more secure) sign-in.

How to React

To react to a post, simply scroll down to the bottom of the post, and click on the reaction that you want to give. You can choose from “Upvote”, “Funny”, “Love”, “Surprised”, “Angry”, and “Sad”. You can also click on the “Share” button to share the post on social media (found in the bottom left hand corner of the comment section).


In conclusion, I hope that this new feature will help to make this blog more interactive, and that it will make it more of a community. I also hope that it will help to make this blog more enjoyable for you, the reader. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to leave a comment below. I will be sure to respond to them as soon as possible. Also, don’t forget that there is a comment section of the site in case you can’t find the comment section on a post. I hope that you enjoy this new feature, and that you have a great day!

Signing off for now,


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